Hand Wash - Grapes - 10 Liter

Hand Wash – Grapes – 10 Liter

Price: 3,900

Can: 10 Liter

Keep Your Hands Clean and Fresh All Day Long with Grape Essence Hand Wash

Good hand hygiene is essential for staying healthy and preventing the spread of harmful germs. However, frequent hand washing can sometimes lead to dry and irritated skin. That’s where our trusted hand wash formula with grape essence comes in.

Our grape essence hand wash is an effective solution for keeping your hands clean and fresh all day long while being harmless to your skin. The gentle formula kills 99.99% of germs, including viruses and bacteria, without causing dryness or irritation.

Our formula is perfect for industrial and commercial settings, like restaurants, hospitals, schools, and other high-traffic areas. It is available in a large 10-liter can, making it a cost-effective and convenient solution for busy places.

The grape essence adds a refreshing touch of fragrance, leaving your hands smelling great even after repeated use. To use, simply apply a small amount onto wet hands, work up a lather, and rinse thoroughly with water.

Investing in our grape essence hand wash ensures that you are keeping yourself and your surroundings healthy and safe. Our formula is tough on germs but gentle on the skin, making it a popular choice for frequent hand-washing requirements.

Overall, our grape essence hand wash is an ideal solution for anyone seeking a trusted and effective formula, perfect for high-traffic areas. Order now and experience the benefits of a clean and fresh feeling that lasts all day long!

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