Wet Mop Set - Green

Wet Mop Set – Green

Price: 1,900

The Wet Mop Set with an aluminum high-quality rod of 4 feet and a 6-inch hand grip is an excellent cleaning tool that is perfect for a wide range of cleaning tasks. The set comes with a 450gm high-quality cotton mop that is perfect for wet cleaning. The mop head is green in color, making it easy to differentiate from other cleaning tools and designate it for specific cleaning areas.

The aluminum rod is of high quality, which makes it durable and long-lasting. The 4-foot length of the rod allows you to clean even hard-to-reach areas without straining your back or arms. The 6-inch hand grip is designed for comfort, ensuring that you can use the mop for an extended period without experiencing any discomfort or pain.

The 450gm high-quality cotton mop head is perfect for wet cleaning, ensuring that you can clean even the toughest stains and dirt on your floors. The mop head is made from high-quality materials, making it durable and long-lasting. The green color of the mop head makes it easy to differentiate from other cleaning tools and designate it for specific cleaning areas.

Overall, the Wet Mop Set with an aluminum high-quality rod of 4 feet and a 6-inch hand grip with a 450gm high-quality cotton mop is an excellent cleaning.

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